We had our 28 week appointment on Wednesday and got some great news from the doctor. According to the ultrasound, baby A weighs 3 lbs and 1 ounce and baby B weighs 3 lbs and 8 ounces!!!! They are measuring at 31 weeks and I am measuring 34 weeks! Yep, that means I have a big, big belly! We also had our first fetal non-stress test and basically the test involves 3 monitors being attached to my belly for about 30 minutes. The monitors measure the babies heartrates and any contractions. The test went great. It is interesting to note that sometimes babies do not like these tests because they can hear their own heartbeats. This was the case for baby B! He kept moving around and the machine would lose his heartbeat so the nurse ended up having to turn the volume down:) Mark and I thought this was very funny because we would have predicted this behavior from baby A, but baby B has always been so laid back! We will see the doctor in two weeks to start our weekly appointments! Baby A is already "vertex" or head down! We are still praying that Baby B will do the same so we can attempt a normal delivery and not have to do a c-section:) Enjoy the 28 week belly pick!