Our first Dr's appointment was on April 28, 2010. It is surely a day Mark and I will remember for such a long time for several reasons:
1. Getting to this day was very similar to waiting for Christmas morning--it took FOREVER
2. We had our mothers and Lauren with us to celebrate our big day
3. We found out we were having not one baby, but TWO!!!!
Yes, this day was filled with an array of emotions! Twins run in both of our families, but never in a million years do you think that it will happen to you! Mark and I were in the ultrasound room and the technician casually said that she saw two sacs on the ultrasound and Mark looked at her and said "Does that mean there are two babies?" Too funny. We were both in such a state of disbelief and shock and utter amazement! Not one, but two blessings from God. That day we were more than ever reassured of God's plan for our lives. His timing is perfect no matter how much we try to fight it in our weak human nature. We were filled with joy in a way we have never been before. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!
Of course, neither one of us could focus enough to go back to work that day. Instead, we had wonderful lunch with Mark's family at Jackson's Bistro in Homewood (complete with fried Twinkies for dessert:)). And then we made our way around Birmingham telling some of our close friends the wonderful news:) It was an amazing day!!!
BTW, before our appointment, my mom had a dream that we were having twins......Mark said he will never doubt anything my mom says from now on!
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