We both had a wonderful first Mother's and Father's Day. We spent Mother's Day going to church, then we went over the Pops and LaLa's house for a yummy lunch from Costa's. We went out on the patio to open gifts and eat cookies the boys baked:) I received much needed gift cards to start shopping for maternity clothes! We then headed over to meet my family for dinner at Jim N' Nicks in Alabaster. Mom gave me a variety of things, including a really neat book all about twins!
For Father's Day, Mark and I celebrated together with a Daddy Day! He got to pick everything we did that day! It started out with opening gifts. Mark received homemade rice crispy treats, personalized M & M's from the babies:), and some new shoes. Then, we went to the movies and saw The A-Team and came home to his favorite lunch-- roast, cream corn, homemade mashed potatoes, and Sister Schubert rolls! We then went over to Anniston to visit with my dad and play a round of Putt-Putt! Me and the babies beat everyone! On Sunday, we went over to Pops and LaLa's house for lunch and presents, then headed over to my mom's house for a wonderful dinner! Lots of first memories were made this weekend!
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